Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Under Construction

So, I'm learning some html so I can design my own template for my blog, so bare with me if you see some odd things going on while taking a look...

Oh and I want the color box that my text is on to be opaque so you can see the background pic, but it makes the pictures that I have on my posts opaqued as well, which I don't want. If anyone knows how to fix this PLEASE let me know.


Deanna said...

Hey Maegan! I saw your blog from the Jacksons. I can't believe how big Elyette is now and cute little Jack too. Good to see that things are going well for y'all in NorCal.

Crysler's said...

You are totally allowed to put my link on your page! It is really convenient... people know what's going on with other people's life without having to talk to them... that's my kind of staying in touch, i suck at any other kind!!